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Levent Kaya Ocakaçan

"İstanbul Eğleniyor"

“Istanbul Eğleniyor” 1955-2023, written by Levent Kaya Ocakaçan, turns into a conversation focusing on Istanbul’s entertainment history with its author, moderated by artist Berk Kır. From 1955 to the present day, this entertainment adventure includes many interesting stories from the ever-changing entertainment industry of Istiklal Street to the transformations in the music scene, from the closure of taverns to the rise of discotheques, and from festivals that go beyond limits. Additionally, this discussion delves into the impact of economic and social changes on the entertainment culture of Istanbul, as well as the reflections of historical events on this captivating world.


Levent Kaya Ocakaçan


Berk Kır


10 October Tuesday
18.00 – 19.00


İstanbul Kitapçısı Kadıköy Şubesi
(İstanbul Bookstore Kadıköy Branch)

The language of the talk will be Turkish.