Living Still Life
Ordinary objects that pass through invisible mundane moments become intriguing and extraordinary when viewed through an unfamiliar gaze. Experimental approaches focusing on natural materials waiting to be discarded and the spontaneity of simple foods reveal a style that transcends conventional meanings and focuses on emotions. These photographs are no longer mere depictions of inanimate objects on a table; instead, they come alive.
Revealing the energy build-up in everyday objects, the Living Still Life selection features the works of Anastasia Fainberg and Ellen Mary Cronin. Fainberg constructs temporary sculptures, reassessing the boundaries of physical space through her installations. Her narratives focus on organic materials, with the state of creation at their centre. Blooming flowers, drying leaves, fibres, and layers capture those fleeting yet pleasant moments in the continuity of nature.
San Francisco-based Ellen Mary Cronin has been a gastronomy photographer for over a decade. Cronin brings feelings and food into her frames while focusing on desires and impatience. Lickerish, childish behaviour, packages seemingly ripped open, and overflowing coffee cups are invariably about excess. Cronin captures the oddly satisfying in every composition.
Anastasia Fainberg, Ellen Mary Cronin
28 September – 13 October 2024